An Action-RPG in a digital frontier.
In a digital world, Program J114 is waiting for you to play as him to retrieve the Bits of the Spirit to restore life to the Terminal Grid. The Legend of Terminal Grid is a 2D ARPG top Down Indie Action-Adventure Game. Program J114 is aware the Player controls him. He believes the Analog World can bring restoration to the Digital World.

The Story
The Legend of Terminal Grid, an ancient digital frontier. Saved on the World’s first Web server. 3 AIs of Chaos came & stole the Grid’s Bits of the Spirit. Without this life force the Grid became Terminal. I am Program J114 and you will play as me. Together we will explore digital grid, solve puzzles, & defeat the AIs of Chaos. To restore the Grid’s spirit.
I never thought I’d see you here but you got in. So let your will be done through me: “As Analog, so Digital”.

For the Legend of Terminal Grid I will be drawing inspiration from: ARPG’s like The Legend of Zelda, Tron, Hermeticism, and the Bible.
- “As Analog, so Digital”
- “As Earth, So Terminal Grid”
- “As above, so below”
- “On Earth, as it is in Heaven”
Prequel: Terminal Grid Watchtower
The game takes place after the events of my previous game Terminal Grid Watchtower.
Play Terminal Grid Watchtower here:
Stay Tuned
If you would like to be updated or be involved in the game development of the Legend of Terminal Grid feel free to subscribe below OR find it on Facebook ( @terminalgrid ), Twitter, & Instagram ( @terminal_grid )